Welcome to Omics3D V1.0

A Web Tool to Investigate Genomic Regions and Genes through Multi-Omics Integration

Omics3D was developed as a multi-omics analysis webserver to investigate the biological processes from the multi-omics perspective, contributing to investigate the dynamic changes of genomic regions and genes during tumorigenesis. The users can use the Omics3D analysis tools to analyze cellular biological processes involved in these factors, from genomic regions, multi-omics patterns, regulatory elements, to genes. Users can perform the analyses in the web server:

Analysis Tools:
1) Downstream Analysis: Online analysis of the downstream factors of their interested genomic regions, including the multi-omics patterns and the regulatory elements of genomic regions, and their potentially regulated genes.
2) Upstream Analysis: Online analysis of the upstream factors of their interested genes, including the regulatory elements and the multi-omics patterns of genes, and their potentially associated genomic regions.
3) Multi-omics Integration: Online multi-omics analysis by integrating different types of omics data using their data with or without Omics3D data.
4) User-defined Integration: Online multi-omics analysis by integrating different species using their data with or without Omics3D data.


Rank the research significance of the candidate genes/regions provided by users.

Browser Visualization

Provides visualization of genes and regions.

AI Chat

Provides data interpretation.


A multi-omics based database integrating multi-omics interaction data of genomic regions and their associated genes and targeted genes.


Obtain genome-wide integration results based on three analysis strageties.